Anne Gallagher Ernst
Environmental Studies and Sciences Program Coordinator, Senior Lecturer
Contact Information:
Office: CIS 210H
Telephone: x 5078 (off campus: 518-580-5078)
Email: agallagh@waki-aiai.net
- M.S. 2001. Cornell University, Department of Natural Resources, Ithaca NY. Thesis: Disturbance effects on small headwater streams in upstate NY.
- B.S. 1993. Duke University, Biology, Durham NC.
- ES 100 Environmental Concerns in Perspective
- ES 105 Field Studies in Environmental Science
- ES 227 Plastic Planet: The Promise and Perils of Polymers
- SSP 100 Plastic Fantastic?
- Ernst, A.G., D.R. Warren, and B.P. Baldigo. 2012. Natural-channel-design stream restorations that changed geomorphology have little effect on macroinvertebrate communities in headwater streams. Restoration Ecology 20: 532:540.
- Baldigo, B.P., A.G. Ernst, D.R. Warren, and S.J. Miller. 2010. Variable responses of fish assemblages, habitat, and stability to natural-channel-design restoration in Catskill Mountain streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (TAFS) 139: 449-467.
- Ernst, A.G., B.P. Baldigo, C.I. Mulvihill, and M. Vian. 2010. Effects of natural-channel-design restoration on habitat quality in Catskill Mountain streams, New York. TAFS 139: 468-482.
- Warren, D.R., A.G. Ernst, and B.P. Baldigo. 2009. Influence of spring floods on year-class strength of fall- and spring-spawning salmonids in Catskill Mountain streams. TAFS 138: 200-210.
- Baldigo, B.P., D.R. Warren, A.G. Ernst, and C.I. Mulvihill. 2008. Response of fish populations to natural-channel-design restoration in streams of the Catskill Mountains, NY. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28: 954-969.